Mario Gavazzi

Mario Gavazzi is born in Treviglio (Bergamo) in 1950 and lives in Livorno.

Light colors, delicate tones but lively at the same time, geometry and elements hidden in the folds of a painting that seems framed beyond a glass, make it unique all his work.

Women carved between lines and areas of color, offering a familiar beauty, intimate, serene, sometimes excuse to visit places of his city and reveal its atmosphere, in the calm of a few moments of quiet relaxation. Informal paintings hide figures and objects to return them in a personal version, now ironic, now phlegmatic or mild, now powerful and lively. A concrete vision of the world, without false dramas, without hypocrisy, interpreter of a daily beauty discovered in the authenticity of solid and positive values.

Mario Gavazzi è nato a Treviglio nel 1950 e vive a Livorno da moltissimi anni.

Colori chiari, toni delicati ma vivaci al tempo stesso, geometrie e particolari nascosti nelle pieghe di una pittura che pare inquadrata al di là di un vetro, rendono inconfondibile ogni suo lavoro.

Donne dalle forme scolpite tra linee e zone di colore, che offrono una bellezza familiare, intima, serena, talvolta pretesto per visitare luoghi della nostra città e renderne l’atmosfera, nella calma di qualche istante di pacato relax. Informali che nascondono figure e oggetti per restituirli in una versione personale, ora ironica, ora flemmatica o mite, ora poderosa e vivace. Una visione concreta del mondo, senza falsi drammi, senza ipocrisie, interprete di una bellezza quotidiana e composta colta nella autenticità di valori solidi e positivi.

Mario Gavazzi was born in Treviglio (Bergamo) in 1950 and lives in Livorno.

Light colors, delicate tones but lively at the same time, geometry and elements hidden in the folds of a painting that seems framed beyond a glass, make it unique all his work.

Women carved between lines and areas of color, offering a familiar beauty, intimate, serene, sometimes excuse to visit places of his city and reveal its atmosphere, in the calm of a few moments of quiet relaxation. Informal paintings hiding figures and objects to return them in a personal version, now ironic, now phlegmatic or mild, now powerful and lively. A concrete vision of the world, without false dramas, without hypocrisy, interpreter of a daily beauty discovered in the authenticity of solid and positive values.